Error Codes & Descriptions

0OkRequest succeeded
101000InternalInternal error
101301NoUpstreamConfiguredNo valid upstream channels are set
101303NoUpstreamAvailableAll upstream channels failed, indicating that there is no upstream available for the request
104001MissingParamsMissing parameters
104002InvalidParamsInvalid parameters
104003RestrictedParamsRestricted parameters
104110MissingAccessKeyIdMissing AccessKeyId
104111InvalidAccessKeyIdInvalid AccessKeyId
104200MissingSignatureMissing signature. Please pass in the request signature, or change the authentication method from HMAC mode to simple mode
104201InvalidSignatureInvalid signature. Please refer to API General Reference for generating request signatures
104202InvalidSignatureTimestampInvalid signature timestamp. Please check that the value passed in is a valid Unix timestamp, accepting a 10 minute difference from the server time
105100IpRestrictedRequesting IP is restricted. Please check if IP Restriction extension is enabled, and make sure that the requesting server IP matches the configuration
105300LimitExceedSending rate limit is exceeded. Please check if the SMS rate limiting extension is enabled, and adjust the limit thresholds if necessary
105400InsufficientFundsInsufficient account balance
107111InvalidPhoneNumbersInvalid phone number
107120MissingSmsSignatureMissing SMS signature
107121SmsSignatureNotExistsSMS signature does not exist, please visit the console to add one
107122InvalidSmsSignatureInvalid SMS signature, indicates that the signature has not been reviewed or is in the process of being reviewed
107123RestrictedSmsSignatureRestricted SMS signature, please contact your account manager to find out if there are negotiation restrictions
107141SmsTemplateNotExistsSMS template does not exist, please visit the console to add one. If you are using a no-audit template that starts with pub_, please check if the template code is correct
107143MissingSmsTemplateDataMissing necessary SMS template data parameters
107144InvaildSmsTemplateDataInvalid SMS template data parameters
107145RestrictedSmsTemplateRestricted SMS template, please contact your account manager to find out if there are negotiation restrictions